Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Gearbox outbid Stardock for Homeworlds rights

In fairness, Borderlands 2 is really quite good.

So... Stardock was one of the companies in a bidding war with Gearbox over the rights to the Homeworld series. Look, I know, bigger pockets win and Gearbox is riding high on their Borderlands franchise. But I mean, ouch.

Stardock's Sins of a Solar Empire is a nearly perfect space opera RTS. It is well designed, balanced and plays wonderfully. You can zoom in and watch your ships battle it out in real time. Though, keep in mind if you spend much time actually ogling the battle field at one planet the rest of your galactic empire is probably being pounded into dirt.  That's war people. No time to smell the charred roses if you want to win.

By comparison, Gearbox... and let me preface this by saying I freakin' love Borderlands 2... gave us Aliens: Colonial Marines. A game that has been pretty heavily panned. Now full disclosure: I haven't played it. If someone wants to toss me a copy I'll happily offer my own thoughts. But I still haven't forgiven Ridley Scott and Damon Lindelof for what they did to the Aliens universe with Prometheus.

I mean really? They made us and just were all of a sudden, screw those guys, lets make a goo that makes xenomorphs, eventually, through a process that makes sense to no one. Oh, yeah, spoilers or something.

Anyway Gearbox head Randy Pitchford explained the bidding war at their panel at Pax Australia. Play.tm has the story.

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